Related Portfolio

Automatic Three Phase Selector
The old system of ordinary change over to the new Electronic Three phase selector system. Incase of power description in any one and / or two of the lines, the system will change over to the next line automatically. More over, it protects your three phase wiring

Canadian Solar Panels
Canadian Solar is a major solar panel producer in the world. It is having production plants in Indonesia, Canada, China, Brazil, and Vietnam, with 15,000 employees and more than 300 scientists and technologists. These plants have a production capacity of 12 GW of solar panels per year. Canadian Solar Incorporation is registered on the NASDAQ stock exchange.

PPCU (Off-Grid PCU with PWM Charger)
This is just one of its kind PCU / Solar Hybrid UPS available in India with true current sharing between Grid and Solar most effectively and efficiently. When the Solar is available, the grid power will not be used for battery charging or for the load. Load works from Solar power.